Nobody in the Dark
Nobody in the Dark was first launched in March 2020 to offer immediate support to digitally and financially excluded people in the UK, especially those in poverty hit hardest by the impact of COVID-19. Relaunched in the summer of 2021, the coalition of Good Things Foundation, Mastercard, Lloyds Banking Group and Clean Slate continues to make sure no one is left behind by the digital revolution.
Find out more about the campaign and access the free tools at:
Find out more about the campaign and access the free tools at:
Think Bigger than Bills started off as conversions about what we could suggest to people on the lowest incomes when we knew that just turning down the heat wouldn’t be enough to get them through the cost of living crisis.
The key messages of the campaign reflect what we see as ‘low hanging fruit’ that have the potential to make a real difference to peoples’ finances. We’ve chosen to launch it on the 19th October 2022, to coincide with the release of September's inflation figures and to cut through the cost of living news with positive actions that people can take now. Find out more about the campaign and the organisations supporting it here. |